Saturday, July 12, 2003

Summer update

So, yeah. I like to make the pretty heading thing and then the pretty line. Line!! yay. I am simpleminded, you see. Andi was supposed to be thinking of a new layout for this piece of shiz, it appears he hasn't. Anywho, let's recap what's happened since I last wrote.

My magical journey to New Jersey began on July 3rd. We missed the rest stop, and Dad criticized my Flogging Molly CD. This should give you an idea of what the week would be like for me. Constant mockery, bitch! BITCH!!! Well, anywho, I spent the first day sitting around and doing absolutely nothing. July 4th: It was hot out. I went to the beach and boogieboarded, I think. Magical. Then I won a free game of golf on the 6th, played it on the 8th, won another free game on the 8th, played it on the 9th. It was certainly magical. We also learned the magick of Asshole Child.

Asshole Child is the picture of the kid at the entrance of Raging Waters waterpark on the boardwalk. We thought he was so ugly that we had to criticize him. It was so funny. I'm using his picture as a rating system for our movie/game/CD rating.
Anywho, that's pretty much it. Andi's doing the layout now. Later, bitch.


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