Friday, July 29, 2005

And now, a stupid little story about work! I will give you the five - point checklist that determines whether or not I freak out at work:
  1. The boss is in the entire night (until 6:45)
  2. The new cook, Beau or Bo, is working
  3. They change the schedule while I'm there
  4. The potwasher, Kev, is working
  5. Dwayne works the morning dishes
Now, the other night, three of these points where checked. Beau was working, Kev was too, and Dwayne did the morning dishes. What does this all mean?
  • Beau pressures me and others to be done by 6:45 (something I don't respond to well)
  • Kev has been told by Beau that it's okay to disrupt me while I'm working and send through about eighty things.
  • Dwayne is a decent dishwasher, but when he works the morning, he never fucking cleans up his station and leaves it to me to clean when I come in at 3:45.
Now, I'm slightly OCD, so when I'm doing my job, I fucking can't stand if I deviate from my personal routine. Honestly, it makes me so mad, it kinda worries me. Pressure and things like that really don't help. Oh, well. No matter.. I'm off until at least Sunday now. Relaxation, bitches!

Read "Make Love The Bruce Campbell Way!", you'll thank me for it!


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