Saturday, June 17, 2006

Haldo, fair reader! I have some news:

I actually snail-mailed a manuscript to a magazine. I'm really nervous about it (I had to write a cover letter and everything!). Hopefully, they think I'm good enough for them. But I know there's a 85% chance I'll be rejected, and I'm prepared to receive it. Hey, I've been turned down by 5 girls in the last two years, it's not much different.

I am 45% into my cash goal for the apartment. I actually bought housewares. It's frightening when you get to the age where spatulas and forks and things matter. When I was paying for the stuff, I thought to myself,
"Now I need a pipe to smoke and slippers and I have to start drinking brandy."
Ok, maybe I'm not Mr. Cleaver old, but you know what I mean.

Bass Fest


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