Friday, June 11, 2004

Dude, I was defintely just disturbed by this pop-up that just came up. It's for life insurance, these three children of the corn are standing there, with their life insurance - eating eyes, and they're begging, practically. "Buy us insurance, it won't hurt at all!" Or something like that.

So, they're trying to put Reagan on the 10-dollar bill. That's the stupidest idea I ever heard. Nixon died ten years ago, but they're not putting him on a dollar bill. It's just like our country to be this way. We celebrate the ones we liked better over the ones that made mistakes. Clinton's entire presidency was tarnished by his scandal at the end. Jimmy Carter will never be on a dollar bill, because he's Jimmy Carter. But because Reagan dies during the era of high, unnecessary patriotism, we put him on a dollar bill. At least make an 80 dollar bill and put him on that. That would be cool.

No, no, they're going to remove a historical figure who had a legend to his death (Alexander Hamilton) for Ronald Reagan. Sound good to you? God, I hate this.

Yes. I just noticed that this is the longest entry I've written in a while. Mono is the cause of about 90 percent of my entry, and boredom 10 percent. Connie's birthday shindig is coming up, and I have to buy her pressie tonight. Hopefully, I'll be able to find it. Other than that, I have not much else to say. Don't go to Mike's blog, because he's too good to hang out here, he has to go to shitkicker Vegas.


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