Thursday, August 11, 2005

Oi. Another night alone, uber-phun. In other news - I start school in nineteen days. That's sorta uplifting. No, not really. My loan for school came in, just in time. The last day to confirm your bill is tomorrow. Every time I think about this loan, though, a sinking feeling runs through my body and settles in my stomach. Now I have twelve months of interest to throw on my financial plate.

It doesn't help that I'm a compulsive shopper. Seriously, I always have to have something new. I just get so annoyed if I don't. So from now on, all my paychecks are going straight to my bank account, at least until I have my credit card bill fully paid, or at least under 300. I gotta work on a scholarship for next semester, too. No more loans. Note to self - stop by Abington's financial aid department to talk about a scholarship.

It also doesn't help that my current job at River's Edge pays precisely dick. I get about 175 - something every two weeks. Take off twenty for a cellphone, and forty for a credit card bill. That leaves 105 for the next two weeks of school - bus tokens, lunch, random expenses.

"Why don't you just take more hours, Tim?" You ask. When in school, I have as many hours as I can get at River's Edge. Monday, Wednesday, Friday - I have class til 4, and I get home around about 5:15. The last possible shift I can take at River's Edge starts at 3:45. It ends at 6:45. So I can't work MWF. Tuesday, Thursday - I have class 9:45 - 11:45. The earliest shift I could take would be 10:45, and it's eight hours. Too bad I only get the 3 -6 hours. Weekends are usually the three hour shifts as well, occasionally the eight hours.

In short, anyone who reads this should either send me 100,000 dollars, kill all people who make money, or give me a new job, and fast.


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