Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Jesus. It's FUCKING hot in here. Anywho, what's in the news?



So I tried to buy a baby on Ebay the other day, and unfortunately, I found one, so I placed a five cent bid. Maybe I could name it "Darth Vader". Yes, even if it's a girl. I'm going to Body Worlds tonight, but I'm also supposed to play D&D, so I'm quite concerned, cause I really wanna do both. What shallith I doith? Let'sith findith outith.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Already? Goddammit.

I was gonna just post about how badass and gory the book "Cell" was, but then I found out that the company who produced "Hostel" has already bought the rights to Cell. Interesting. It won't do good. Stephen King books never do good unless no one knows he wrote them (i.e. The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile)

Oh well. In other news, check out the Straylight Run, they're really fucking good. Also, um....a wagon fulla pamcakes? In the champeenship? I'd like to see you try.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

As we rejoin me...who am I kidding, it's only one person rejoining me: me. Um, as I rejoin me, we find that a creative slump has begun.

Because fucking school sucks ass, but I love it.