Saturday, August 27, 2005

School is in a couple more days (see left), and I couldn't be more prepared. I mean, I just spent a half-hour drawing an inadequate Paint picture to prove my point. This also proves another point: I need to get that Photoshop disk off of Steve someday.

Man, that would be sweet. Anywho, I downloaded America's Army today, and erased it. It took two hours to download, and the only active combat you can participate in is online-based play. Sure, basic training is fun, but shooting live targets would've been even more fun. So I uninstalled it and played Halo. I also tried learning Python (a programming language similar to C and all, but it's slightly dumber). That was a mixed endeavor, it just led to me making the computer insult the user.

I hooked up Hol's new wireless card, which is fun. Dells still suck, though. Why am I pissed off? I have no fucking clue, seriously. Why am I hungry? I just ate a huge dinner like four hours ago. My mom leaves for the shore tomorrow, which means I have to start cooking my own meals. Ugh. So damn hard. But on the other hand, I found out that I'm inheriting money from my grandma's estate. Ten thousand. The catch? I don't get to touch it until I'm 25. So I'll probably use it to pay off the student loans I'm building up now.

I should go take a look at those.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Rgh. Recently, I've been on MySpace more often, and I've learned to hate it more and more and more. Yes, I do recognize the run-on sentence there, but I think that this post was just that important. Although blogs are also annoying, no one reads mine, so I don't have to worry about anyone commenting saying "myspace rulez! ur justmad becuz youcan't get any! LOL!!!!11!!! gtg bye".

That sentence just now? I had my pet monkey Silas type it just so I wouldn't have to. That's how averted to internet buzz I am.

To demonstrate the homogenized nonsense that is MySpace, I have prepared a diagram in Paint. (Yes, Paint).

Monday, August 15, 2005

Don't go to the Newgrounds Portal today. It's motherfucking Clock Day.

Ah yes, Clock Day - the only day of the year where the most shitty flash movies pass judgement.


Thursday, August 11, 2005

Oi. Another night alone, uber-phun. In other news - I start school in nineteen days. That's sorta uplifting. No, not really. My loan for school came in, just in time. The last day to confirm your bill is tomorrow. Every time I think about this loan, though, a sinking feeling runs through my body and settles in my stomach. Now I have twelve months of interest to throw on my financial plate.

It doesn't help that I'm a compulsive shopper. Seriously, I always have to have something new. I just get so annoyed if I don't. So from now on, all my paychecks are going straight to my bank account, at least until I have my credit card bill fully paid, or at least under 300. I gotta work on a scholarship for next semester, too. No more loans. Note to self - stop by Abington's financial aid department to talk about a scholarship.

It also doesn't help that my current job at River's Edge pays precisely dick. I get about 175 - something every two weeks. Take off twenty for a cellphone, and forty for a credit card bill. That leaves 105 for the next two weeks of school - bus tokens, lunch, random expenses.

"Why don't you just take more hours, Tim?" You ask. When in school, I have as many hours as I can get at River's Edge. Monday, Wednesday, Friday - I have class til 4, and I get home around about 5:15. The last possible shift I can take at River's Edge starts at 3:45. It ends at 6:45. So I can't work MWF. Tuesday, Thursday - I have class 9:45 - 11:45. The earliest shift I could take would be 10:45, and it's eight hours. Too bad I only get the 3 -6 hours. Weekends are usually the three hour shifts as well, occasionally the eight hours.

In short, anyone who reads this should either send me 100,000 dollars, kill all people who make money, or give me a new job, and fast.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Ah, the 100th post. You know what would be tacky? Recalling old posts like some sort of bad sitcom.

Say, do you remember that time I kept saying

Legacy of Kain: DEFIANCE!


Or what about that time I..pushed a random website on all one of you?

Oh, fuck it. I read back my old LiveJournal and this blog, and I realized I have never wrote about anything vaguely important, and lied about many stories so I could make it more entertaining. But that's what "creative license" is all about, I guess? Whatever.

Happy 100th post to me.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Still no response from Night Train. I sent them Quality Control again a while ago.

Probably rejected it.

Ben Folds tomorrow! W00t!!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


A personality test I took nearly three years ago:

Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: Moderate
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: High
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: Moderate
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

A personality test I took today:

Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Moderate
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Moderate
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: High

That's a little depressing, isn't it?

Oh, Jesus Christ. Today was another WONDERFUL DAY OF FUCKING WORK.

Beau or Bo was in.

'Nuff said.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Around a late-night snack tonight:

"I should hold some sort of a Christmas mass." I said, sipping my Pepsi, the only thing I could afford.
"You are not a minister! It is not real, or legal, or you made it up!" Tori answered between giggles. For some reason, this really bothered me. Why would I lie about something about this? I have the email, and we know for a fact that it's legal in all fifty states. (No, these fifty states.) Why can't people accept the fact that I am a man of God now? Shit, I don't even have to worship the Catholic religion if I don't want to, I could start my own church.

Things bother me now really easily for no reason, and it's frankly starting to freak me out. I attribute it to the lack of food/weird stomach ailment that I contracted today. It feels like I have a hangover, but I haven't been drunk in months.Maybe I should get drunk, just to prove to my body that I wasn't drunk previously. Hmm. Whatever. Life goes on.

Maybe I really should go see a head doctor...