Also, I got accepted and am going to Penn State Abington. Go me.
Hot Pockets are magically delicious.
Mike is badong.
This kind of piss you don't see in the can.
And I'm getting this for my birthday:
Also, conclusions I reached over the holiday season:
"A Rush of Blood to the Head" is an awesome CD.
Diablo II is a great game.
The lead singer of Stereolab has the best voice I've heard in a long time.
I would make a list, but..
ya know.
The Master of Ni (10:31:31 PM): That means, instead of saying 'We're not hiring' and I'm done with them...
The Master of Ni (10:32:02 PM): They say they're 'taking applications' and I fill one out, they take it out in the back, dump gasoline on 'em and strike a match.
Also, Tom has a bigger head than Hades on a blind date with the Necronomicon.
No, I'm aware that made no sense.